Briar college is the best pilot school in the united states. it has an average of 5 years to get through and cost $5,000 a year. this school is accredited by faa and its located in texas, one of many locations in the united states.
The next school on the list is University of North Dakota which has an average of 4 years to finish, costs $3,830.97 a year and is accredited by faa also. it is located in the united states as well. the next school on this list is california state university east bay which has an average of 5 years to get through and costs $1,735.32 a year and is also accredited by faa and it is located in united states as well.
the next school on this list is michigan state university which averages 5 years to finish and costs $8,520 a year and it is accredited by faa as well located in the united states of america.
the next school on this list is university of south florida which has an average 4 years to get through and costs $1,978.89 a year and also accredited by faa located in the united states.
next is butler university which averages 5 years to finish at a cost of $6,574.22 a year and is accredited by faa. it’s located in united states as well.
the next school on this list is university of minnesota which has an average of 6 years to get through and costs $33,490 a year and also accredited by faa. it’s location is the united states of america once again.
the last school on this list is university of arizona which has an average of 6 years to get through and costs $46,919 a year and also accredited by faa. it’s located in the united states as well.
Top 5 best pilot schools in the united states:
1. briar college 2. University of North Dakota 3. California state university east bay 4. Michigan state university 5. Butler university
# 1 Briar College:
Briar college is the best pilot school in the united states, it has an average of 5 years to get through and cost $5,000 a year. this school is accredited by faa and its located in texas, one of many locations in the united states. This school has a lot of planes that are used for the flying portion part of the class, they have single engine aircrafts, twin engine aircrafts. they also use simulators to see if you can fly before giving it to you with real people on board. The crew at briar college cares about you and your safety. they make sure to put your interest first making sure you get nothing but the best in education from them, Briar college has a big campus with a lot of trees around giving it a nice fresh smell along with the buildings that are pretty big as well. The dorm rooms at briar college is nice, comfy beds with a nice desk and chair with a decent size closet, not too big but enough to fit your stuff in it. They have a bookstore on campus with a lot of books for classes that you can buy also if you need something they dont have just try the little cafe they have on campus food is pretty good there and cheap too.
# 2 University of North Dakota:
The next school on the list is University of North Dakota which has an average of 4 years to finish, costs $3,830.97 a year and is accredited by faa also. it is located in the united states as well. The campus at UND has a lot of places for students to get together and hangout, there is a lot of grassy area to lay down and chill with your friends. The dorms at UND is nice, comfy beds with a small desk and chair that does the job just fine. Bathroom and shower rooms are very clean for students to use anytime they want. The bookstore on campus has a great selection of books for your classes and a lot of souvenirs to take back home with you for friends and family. UND has a cafeteria on campus where they serve breakfast lunch and dinner there is a small cafe on the other side also but mostly just open for breakfast. Parking at this school is very convenient because it’s right off the highway close to everything, not much walking.
# 3 California State University East Bay: California State University East bay is the third best pilot school in the united states. It averages 4 years to finish and cost $4,000 a year as well as being accredited by faa . This university is also located in the United States of America. The campus at CSUEB is very big and there is a lot of trees around. The dorms at CSUEB are very nice, they have comfy beds with small desks and chair that do the job just fine. Bathrooms are very clean whether you are in the bathrooms for men or women.
# 4 Michigan State University: Michigan State university averages 6 years to finish and $46,919 a year. It’s located in the United States of America also. The campus at MSU is very big and has a lot of buildings that look quite old but it does have some newer buildings around. The dorms are nice but needs more work on them, they need to get new beds because the ones there aren’t very comfortable. Bathrooms are dirty and need a lot of work done to them, there is a lack of privacy for the shower rooms too much open space.
# 5 Butler University:
The last school on the list is Butler university which has an average of 4 years also, costs $41,000 throughout the four years and accredited by faa. Butler university is located in the united states. The campus at butler has a lot of big buildings with small alley ways where you can get somewhere faster instead of going all the way around just to get to your destination which takes up more time. The dorms are nice but could use better bedding, they have comfortable beds but not very big desks and chair which can be a problem for some students. Bathrooms are clean but need more privacy in the shower rooms, there is not much of a wall to separate you from other people while you’re showering.